



  • Benign mesenchymal cell tumor of testis
  • True precocious puberty
  • Hypercortisolism
  • Virilizing tumors in women

Decrease:Male sexual dysfunction

  • HyperPRLemia
  • Hypopituitarism
  • Hypothyroidism

Product Detail

Product Tags

Performance Characteristics

Performance Characteristics

Detection Limit:  0.1ng/mL;

Linear Range: 0.1~16 ng/mL;

Linear correlation coefficient R ≥ 0.990;       

Precision: within batch C.V. is ≤ 15%; between batches C.V. is ≤ 20%;              

Accuracy: the relative deviation of the measurement results shall not exceed ± 15% when the accuracy calibrator prepared by progesterone  national standard or standardized accuracy calibrator are tested.

Cross-Reactivity:The following substances do not interfere with the progesterone test results at the indicated concentrations: Estradiol at 800 ng/mL, Progesterone at 1000 ng/mL,

Storage And Stability

1. Store the detector buffer at 2~30℃. The buffer is stable up to 18 months.

2. Store Aehealth Ferritin Rapid Quantitative test cassette at 2~30℃, shelf life is up to 18 months.

3. Test cassette should be used within 1 hour after opening the pack.

Male testosterone is mainly secreted by adult Leydig cells and controlled by luteinizing hormone (LH). Serum testosterone mainly exists in the form of globulin bound sex hormone (SHBG), and some of it is loosely bound to albumin and exists in free form. Abnormal low levels of total testosterone in men indicate hypogonadism, hypophysis, hyperprolactinemia, renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver, or "klefeld" syndrome. Adrenal and testicular tumors, congenital adrenal hyperplasia or hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis abnormalities can lead to elevated testosterone levels in men. In women, testosterone is produced by ovaries, adrenal glands and peripheral adipocytes, and its concentration in serum is about one tenth of that in men. As in men, the main form of serum testosterone is SHBG, with albumin binding and a small amount of free state. Persistent increase of total testosterone in women indicates polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), follicular cell proliferation, adrenal and ovarian tumors, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and other abnormalities of hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis.

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